(meme) https://images.plurk.com/59ACvS3sO3MIHO4yNYLSSE.png ok
ezra time
https://images.plurk.com/4NirPxiR9WFd6Q44h4Z5hc.png i think i've said her before but sy snootles
ezra time
she has a whole romeo and juliet ep in clone wars and then she ends it by killing the man she's in love with cause it was all a Sham
ezra time
https://images.plurk.com/7AQi1L6aBAdlff3CgHEz4T.jpg also older mikuru
someone irl asked to watch clone wars with me so i guess i'm going to be watching more of that soon
MIKURU WAS MY FAV WHEN I WAS INTO HARUHI which was like. i watched the first two seasons i should really go back and rewatch