Hazard Kitten
[CW: Medicial, Brains] Split-Brains are fascinating.

Hazard Kitten
SO! Split-Brains are when for reasons the left and right hemispheres are not connected. Most common is from surgeries designed to eliminate severe seizures. Surprisingly, it actually works as intended, and unlike a lobotomy the person is generally the same

Hazard Kitten
in personality, intelligence, and memory.

Hazard Kitten
But the brain does a weird thing, where because the brain is split, it does not properly transmit information to each other.

Hazard Kitten
So a split-brain person could in fact draw two entirely different objects at once because the data isn't being transmitted - there's nothing to force the hands to focus on one thing.

Hazard Kitten
And there's the HE ART experiment, where the word HE ART is put up, with HE on the left side of the eye (where it transmit to the right hemisphere), and ART to the right part (it transmit to the left). When asked to tell what word they saw, the split-brain only sees ART.

Hazard Kitten
But when asked to point out the word, the left hand points to HE

Hazard Kitten
confusing the subjects.

Hazard Kitten
Or if they flash a picture of a spoon to just the right hemisphere, the patient is unaware of it, but if asked to feel objects for what the scientist is asking for, the left hand again automatically selects a spoon.

I've read about this, it is utterly fascinating and a bit spooky too

Hazard Kitten
Brains are weird!

Hasn't there been evidence of the two halves of the brain having their own preferences for different things with this condition? Am I recalling that correctly?

But man yeah brains are SO weird and complex and there's still so much we don't know about them

Hazard Kitten
yeah, there's some mention of it in the text book.