๐Ÿ” YEDONG...
[work] "Staff are required to wear face coverings, and customers are encouraged, but not required, to do so."
๐Ÿ” YEDONG...
They are requiring physical distancing but lol if you expect people to actually adhere to that
I've been out a few times this week and most people aren't doing masks anymore
America: Where COVID magically goes away when people get bored
๐Ÿ” YEDONG...
Pretty much
every business here requires masks or you cant get in. I love it.
๐Ÿ” YEDONG...
I fucking wish it were that way here
Ohio is too wimpy to actually enforce anything
๐Ÿ” YEDONG...
At most it'll be a sign that's the equivalent of "p-pweez wear a face covering but you don't have to if you don't want to"
here in michigan someone who was turned away for not having a mask came back with her husband and son and murdered the employee.
and as of next week, everything will be back open
so I expect our cases to spike like they are in the south right now
Yeah, the church was like โ€œwear a mask if you want toโ€ /sighs
I saw a post that was like "we won coronavirus like we won the vietnam war: we spent too much money and got bored so we declared victory"
next week casinos and theme parks open up
so yeah, Americans will die before getting slightly inconvenienced
๐ด๐‘Ÿ๐‘โ„Ž๐‘–๐‘ฃ๐‘–๐‘ ๐‘ก
this has been my life for the last 4 months and I Hate It
good god
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our chefs have been serving every customer by hand and these fuckers keep getting in our chefs' faces with no coverings and we're just so tired
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(which may be why our chefs have mostly given up wearing masks themselves)
๐Ÿ” YEDONG...
Right? It's like, why the fuck should staff bother if patrons aren't going to
๐Ÿ” YEDONG...
I would even if they didn't require it because it's the right thing to do
๐Ÿ” YEDONG...
So now I get to go to work and worry that I'm going to bring the fucking virus home to my elderly parents because Heaven fucking forbid they require people to wear a mask for the hour they are in the building
but it's oppression 8( 8( 8(
๐Ÿ” YEDONG...
Cแดา“า“แด‡แด‡ Sษชษดษดแด‡ส€
god i have patients who WHIIIINE about it and its like..... ok i know your ankle hurts and you hate the mask but my other patient has fucking lung cancer and weโ€™re looking for brain mets so like shut the fuck up and wear your mask to protect them
๐Ÿ” YEDONG...
stares into the sun
Cแดา“า“แด‡แด‡ Sษชษดษดแด‡ส€
WEARING A MASK IS NOT A HUGE INCONVENIENCE (says the person who would have to wear masks for like 12 hours straight when scheduled in surgery, admittedly)
It's so agitating that wearing a mask is an "inconvenience". It's really not.
๐Ÿ” YEDONG...
They do again plan to enforce social distancing and limit the number of people allowed in the building at one time, and portions of the building are still going to be closed but that doesn't do much to make me feel better about this whole thing
๐Ÿ” YEDONG...
As of June 28th I'll be back to my full hours, too, so that means more chances to be exposed
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stares into the distance
๐Ÿ” YEDONG...
I got no choice but to roll with it, so. We'll see what happens.
Cแดา“า“แด‡แด‡ Sษชษดษดแด‡ส€
Unfortunately the very best thing you can do is stay vigilant. Frequent handwashing, not rubbing nose or eyes, keeping distance as best as possible.
๐Ÿ” YEDONG...
YEAH that's another thing- in my department (and most departments, in fact) we're right on top of each other
๐Ÿ” YEDONG...
Boss solved this by splitting us into groups, assigned carts/computers, and only working certain days of the week, and that'll be impossible to do once all of us are back in the building
and customers do not understand the concept of personal space
I've been grocery shopping and seen people leeeean around the plexiglass to talk to the cashiers
๐Ÿ” YEDONG...
Oh yeah
if someone tries to breathe on me when we come back, I swear...
Wearing a cloth mask really isn't that bad, get the fuck over it, people
Anyone without breathing problems will be fine
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I think the only annoying thing about them is for folks with glasses that deal with them fogging, but there are so many ways to handle that so like ???
Does it take getting used to? Yes. Is it some kind of horrible attack on your face and your freedom? NO.
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the bar's real low
feels odd the first few times! then you get used to it!
There are masks with wire you can seal the top of for glasses
๐Ÿ” YEDONG...
Yup, I wear glasses and I got used to the fogging really fast
๐Ÿ” YEDONG...
One of my coworkers made masks with a piece of metal that you can pinch around your nose that helps alleviate the problem
Yeah, like that
๐Ÿ” YEDONG...
I read that you can also stick a strip of tissue along the inside of the top edge tho not being a glasses-wearer I don't know the efficacy of it
๐ด๐‘Ÿ๐‘โ„Ž๐‘–๐‘ฃ๐‘–๐‘ ๐‘ก
^ that's what mara wilson was suggesting months ago iirc
Rabbit Crimes
I just ended up using a lot of the strats I use to keep my glasses from fogging up in winter
Rabbit Crimes
making sure my glasses are sitting on top of & outside the mask so my breath is less likely to hit both sides of the lenses, wearing them slightly farther down my nose, etc