- tagback Jiang Cheng
- tagback Annie
- tagback Noa
- tag-out to Fidds
<New Leaf>
- check all 3 characters' mailboxes
- check Nook's re: Ash's mailbox (maybe)
- check Nook's re: Joakim's everything
- check Kick's re: Joakim's sandal situation
- new building project: a bridge closer to Joakim's

- check back in before the day turns over
- dailies, after day turns over

- sign into discord later
- prep to go out tomorrow

- eat Actual Food
- stay fuckin hydrated

wanna do some of the recent plurk-memes:
- me, re: 4thwalling
- RS, re: polyamory
...there were a couple others, wtf were they
- character languages, that was the one
- to-do list done
- Benedict wants a dace from the Mayor tho
- Blanche asked Joakim for an Agrias Butterfly
checked-in, finished that
- still gotta do dailies later
maybe I'll poke at discord next, & see about tags :Va
checked discord, not much happening there
then needed to rest (& nom foods)
I guess tags are maybe happening now?