ParrotDad because he lives with an imitative bird and an impressionable gremlin, spaceman because he maintains a REAL TIGHT GRIP on his constant simmering fury
he will occasionally drop an F-bomb under stress, and of course spaceman will swear like a sailor to blend in if he needs to, but in general it's not his preferred mode of expression
BUT he's a taciturn guy for the most part, especially when talking about himself, so occasionally I have to curb the impulse to have him chatter and divert some of those FEELS into narrative
So there's no particular MOMENTS or anything so much as if I'm doubtful about a line I'll play it back in my head to see if I can actually hear him saying that
usually too little, because part of the point of playing him from this canon point is he's still figuring out how to function like a person again, but also you gotta give people something to work with
JB - 11, 7
Screwup - 6, 8, 10