the bar for me having a shit day is very high considering my apocalyptic depression, but without it i think today qualifies.
- finally put away the non-perishables from a week ago. found bag of celery hidden UNDER NON-PERISHABLES that had rotted and ruined several boxes of food. it STINKS.
- the AC has been broken for a week. repairman came and determined that the system is 32yo and entire thing needs to be replaced. it'll be almost $9k. landlady says she can't afford it.
so i'm going to have to learn my state and city tenant rights and try to fight her.
- it's currently 90 in my apartment. i love heat, but not in my living space without circulation. the poor cats are trying to stay cool however they can and i feel guilty even though it's not my fault.
- i cleaned the living room this morning which feels good, but i forgot something very important: i clean the litter boxes on Tuesdays and Saturdays. so...since i forgot to clean them, Ozzie peed on my bed. again. so i'm out of bedding completely and now don't have time to go to the laundromat and get laundry done before it closes.
i'll either be sleeping on a bare mattress on the other bed, or i'll sleep on the couch, or as a last resort i'll ask my friends if i can stay over
- i was on my way to the city council meeting when i thought of putting my mask on, and discovered that it wasn't there. meaning i had dropped it or accidentally thrown it in the dumpster when i threw out the cat shit.
- i got to city council late, only to find that the doors were locked and no one was inside. and there definitely, by all resources of information, should have been a meeting today. more than asking important questions in light of the call for police defunding, i was depending on asking tenant rights questions or at least getting info on who i could talk to.
*the groceries were packed by a clerk, so the fact that the celery was hidden under non-perishables is not my fault and was a very stupid move on the clerk's part. i wasn't mad until the rest of the day when everything else compounded into a lump of Bad Day
i cracked open a big bottle of cider. fuck today.