a girl in love
a girl in love
I’m not even attempting to assign them to anyone else bc I’m not good at animal associations
a girl in love
besides Moelle but can that really be said to be an assignment I chose.
we have it all
my heart says cat. a big round fluffy cat.
brain says sea lion bc I just remember santa cruz
a girl in love
I love cats AND pinnipeds
eyjaberry 🐑(🦁)
some sort of water mammal
It's Just Deca
striped hyena
a girl in love
I was not expecting multiple water mammals I admit
a girl in love
hyenas are cute
a girl in love
I'm very curious about the reasons. how does furry assignment logic work
chilly pepper
leopard seal
chilly pepper
big tough, sharp, aesthetically pleasing, that one series of photos of a leopard seal trying to feed the camera guy a live penguin and then getting pissed off that he wouldn't hunt it so she killed it for him and THEN tried to feed it to him
a girl in love