boodle boy
I'm on a roll so let's also talk about how tired of Boston I am
boodle boy
I'm tired of you, Boston
boodle boy
It's good I am not moving this year and decided to wait until next year, considering moving during a pandemic would be hell but
boodle boy
staring down the barrel of another year here is like
boodle boy
boodle boy
not that I have any idea where I want to go
boodle boy
I've been realising that I really wish I could find that sense of feeling like, I could put down roots
boodle boy
while simultaneously not having anywhere I want to
boodle boy
I'm kind of tired of feeling like I have a foot out the door everywhere I live but I'm also starting to accept that's probably not a location problem but just, a me problem
boodle boy
I've moved so much in my life, my family moves so much, we're just a bunch of wanderers who are never happy where we are
boodle boy
I wish I had that sense of "place"
boodle boy
I think a lot of people have their hometown, so even if they travel theyve got that place
boodle boy
I'd really like to live out of the country too, that's something I've always wanted to do. it's hard if you dont have rock solid financial stability though
boodle boy
I just keep thinking "where do you want to be, physically, in five years?" and cant come up with an answer and it makes me feel very unmoored
boodle boy
but also not financially stable enough to enjoy that feeling as "freedom"
boodle boy
its hard not feel like I'm young and childless and mortgage free and I should be utilizing that better than I am
boodle boy
But I'm also perpetually broke and burdened with huge student debt so it kind of evens out
luxury meats
your son, arthur degree
boodle boy
my child