It's Just Deca
Hello i am genderfuck and i date girls??? but not exclusively, just mostly
It's Just Deca
transman is easiest but demiboy is more likely, my gender is "leave me alone and pretend my tits dont exist"
It's Just Deca
my sexuality is "sex is tiresome but i love it in theory"
It's Just Deca
i am coming to a realization that romance is just not in my heart, even if i also, in theory, want to be a romantic
thats so valid
do i want to be romance? yes
do i want to be left alone in my own depression pit and not share a bed with someone most of the time because touching seems bad and i dont have the social energy? very yes
i was married for two years and now if i think about having to share my living space and physical energy with someone my skin comes off
It's Just Deca
honestly a mood
It's Just Deca
I'm tired just let me get married and have a romance but nothing else
It's Just Deca
no living with people, no sex, just. the trappings therein
No bed sharing. only hand holding
It's Just Deca