Cuddly Cactus
Today is trashhhhhhh
Cuddly Cactus
Boyfriend wound up back in the ER last night on the direction of the talk to a nurse hotline thing and they treated him like shit
Cuddly Cactus
basically implied he was drug seeking
Cuddly Cactus
So I got ~1.5 hours of sleep last night
Cuddly Cactus
he was understandably very irritated with all this and it rubbed off on me so I'll probably be in a funk for a few days
Cuddly Cactus
he didn't go to bed until I was leaving this morning so I haven't heard from him to see how he's feeling
Cuddly Cactus
I just wanna go home and go to bed
Cuddly Cactus
and it's lunch time and I'm hungry but I've got that feeling where I know if I eat I'll just feel sick