[Please Replurk] [Minority Artists] I've been struggling to determine the best way I can, as a white artist, contribute socially without taking work away from minority artists, and I think I have an idea. It's still in its infancy, but I'd like to start gathering information and resources now, in the development stage.
Because first and foremost I'm a researcher and would-be-educator, I think my strength and thus contribution lies in using my voice to help interview and promote minority artists.
The first step is to ask for any recommendations of artists, particularly those who AREN'T well-known. (You can put yourself forward, too.) I'd like to focus on traditional artists / those of the fine arts variety, but artisans, entertainers, writers, and photographers would also be great.
Please give me names and links to websites/galleries/works; I'll do the rest of the legwork.
Similarly, it would be nice to have established artists recommendations, not necessarily for interviews but to fill in the spaces and educate about the existence of minorities in art through history. (Because it wasn't all white dudes. Promise.)
I'm going to be working with several individuals who are advocates for minority communities (specifically indigenous and black communities) to develop questions that aren't tone-deaf, and that don't capitalize on suffering (which is, in my opinion, a failing in the art community: selling struggle and tragedy instead of art.)
I am not capitalizing on this; this will be done in my free time, and if any expenses arise, it will be out of pocket. I will not be promoting my own work in any way.
This is an idea still in infancy, and I'm not sure of the final form as far as where I'll post (a blog, a website, etc), but I'll be sure to update as necessary. Right now, I'm just working on data collection and interview framework.
Also, to note: you do not need to be an established artist. You can be fresh out of school, or have no renown at all, as long as you are working specifically in the art field, even part-time. And this extends to artisans, entertainers, and writers - not just traditional artists.
Thank you to everyone who replurked. Another thing to note: Please ask your friends before promoting them, make sure they're okay with being contacted for this.
Similarly, it would be nice to have established artists recommendations, not necessarily for interviews but to fill in the spaces and educate about the existence of minorities in art through history. (Because it wasn't all white dudes. Promise.)