Sitting in the parking lot of urgent care! Mom’s knee wasn’t magically better in the morning like I suspected

Fun times.

They won’t let me go in with her because of the pandemic so we are sitting on either side of a window and she can barely move for pain

We already had a bang up morning when assholes started drilling the pavement outside our house a half hour before it was legal to start so. Fun

Now we are in the dead center of corvid 19 test center, so mom is freaking

oh dear

Themme Fatale
Oh my god Allison, I just read your tag from last night and I'm really sorry, what a snowball of bad happenings :c

Themme Fatale
I'm glad you managed to get you mum to urgent care

Thanks! I gave myself a stress backache so I am trying to relax

The nice thing is mom actually agreed to try therapy with no urging from me!

Themme Fatale
Oh that's really nice!

Themme Fatale
And also might indicate that like, she can feel the toll that stuff has had on her, even if she can't necessarily control the outcome of it :c

spooky queer
i’m glad you got her there

spooky queer
and yay therapy

spooky queer
the place i go to is doing all zoom sessions


I just did running and walking and sit ups in the parking lot for half an hour. Seemed to help the stress and back a bit

They got the x ray machine working again - doctor thinks it’s her hips. Go figure, she was supposed to have a consultation in March

spooky queer
yeah my therapist said short bursts of intense exercise can help when you’re feeling anxious. she gave me some other physiological tips too if you want them

I might, yeah. We're home now. I pulled out my back helping her up

spooky queer
oh my gosh go easy on yourself, dude

Lady Stardust
much love to you both <3

I mean, I’m not thrilled with the doctor from this place to begin with. The nurses are great but the doctor misdiagnosed my mono as a regular cold when I couldn’t. Eat or drink for ten days

She told my mom to take four ibuprofen at once? Like printed that out and I’m going like “yeah the recommended dosage is one, and two is pushing it.”

So what even

Bitch bitch whine sob.

with the caveat that I'm not a doctor, I think larger doses can be used in cases like this?

Yeah. She’s asleep at least

Ehhhh, prescription dose is often 600 mg, I think. I think 3200 a day is used with chronic arthritis pretty regularly.

I’ll check on her when she wakes up

Damn, nice. I’ll shut my mouth then. Sorry doctor from urgent care, I misjudged you

that waiting in the parking lot for the end of a medical thing is one of the more awful mutations of COVID time.

Yeah, this is one of the places where they get tested. I watched a few people come in for that. They have to stay in their car and then get the okay yo drive around back to this dingy white table to be specially admitted . Scary stuff

yeah, I routinely took 3-4 at a time, 4x a day for almost 2 years before and after knee surgery, and I still take 2-3 at a time if arthritis or knee is really bad

Mouth Powers
also it's for the inflamation and not just the pain, so chaining high doses early is good to reduce how bad it is later

When I had my wisdom teeth surgically extracted many many years ago the oral surgeon said he could write me a prescription, but it'd be cheaper for me to just take up to 6 over-the-counter Ibuprofen at once. (With food, to not tear up my stomach, and not for more than a few days.)

Nice nice

(And that if my stomach couldn't tolerate it, he'd write me a prescription for something else, but I think he was trying to avoid prescribing opiates. Or having me pay money for big prescription Ibuprofen pills when it's the same as a bunch of little OTC pills.)

chris 🔅
from what I remember from what nurse relatives have told me, the important thing with ibuprofen isn't how high a dosage you take, but how often you take it

chris 🔅
so like if you take 200mg, you can take more in 2 hours. 400mg, 4 hours, etc.

I regularly take 3 or 4 pills at once, but I don't do it constantly long term

as long as she doesn't have a big history of acid stomach issues, it shouldn't be a problem

nah, she's okay there