What would make robots happy? Would Asimov's maxims/laws work in this case? Would the robot's master being happy and safe make the robot happy, so happy that it's its own reward?
: there is an episode like that in the series btw: a female human trying to marry a male humagear/robot wedding planner. how do you even make babies with that one?
he does make a valid point. how will the humans compensate for the manual labor humagears do?
there is an episode like that in the series btw: a female human trying to marry a male humagear/robot wedding planner.how do you even make babies with that one?But I guess it'd be similar to how childless couples have kids? Adoption, IVF, surrogate mothers.
Partner in question: Uh... genetic programming ?
That kind of thing should be done in private.
sexprogramming dungeon?