[RP] Plans for the day.
Will and Galo hit AC because it's just one point for the month, so I put that in. I'm going to focus on Futaba for a hot minute here to get her AC in. I might tag out at the swear in. link things if you want one of mine to hit it up.
I have...so much happening here lol.
I'm going to start with Zelda, who has multiple threads going with the event. Plus the hella backtag with Link at Valentine's. because they have THINGS ok? OK.
after Zelda is Blue because I have some active threads at the event. and some hella backtags (sorry guys my brain is like 'smut? wat that?' lately and those are some of this threads lol)
and then getting to any Lance threads that are hanging on for my response at the event. I do have a TL for him for people that were looking to hit that up, but I might hit the TDM with him too just to try and expand his CR.
I think with all of her event threads Zelda has AC? Blue is getting close, and I think Lance might have it between Sets and Allura, though he might need a comment or two idk