Crazy RP horror stories? HONEY HAVE I GOT THEM. However. Details will be limited because item (A) has me gunshy.
(A) So I was in a long-running (still running) game that was SO TOXIC that "I'm on the phone with the cops they are breaking down the suicidal person's door RIGHT THIS MINUTE" was a thing that happened. Beth still has PTSD over that game. There are canons I cannot touch due to that game. The MODS had a COMMUNITY just for mocking their own players.
Item (A) could fill a damn book. Seriously. I only got out of the game after reading a book on fuckin' Jonestown and going "Holy shit that is THIS GAME. The GAME I AM IN IS A CULT." Mentioning that to a friend who had left got "Yeah, I know. I grew up in a cult, when I realised this was my childhood all over again I got out ASAP."
Like a cult, the moment I dropped it everyone I knew there stopped talking to me. Like. If they were still in? I was persona non grata.
Sex game. Went fine...until I critisized That One Guy. Y'all know That One Guy. He's the one who has to have the most (X thing) person, at all times. Other people said " dude, don't say anything to the mods, anyone who talks about That One Guy to the mods gets smashed down". Naive me said "Nah, the mods are my friends. We'll be fine."
Suddenly! I get a five or six page long email from the mods telling me that I was making "everyone" uncomfortable, but nobody wanted to talk to me about it (despite having been told "you are my friend, I'll always talk to you as a person before coming to you as a mod") and...yeah. When I asked why they hadn't told me about any of that before modding at me
like they'd said they would, I got told that it was because I'd attack them. So, yeah, thanks for that.
Side-note on B - One of the things I was told was wrong was my characterization of Alice from American McGee's Alice. This was before Madness Returns came out. Madness Returns proved I was right: Alice WAS mostly non-functional for the point I was playing her. One of the flavour texts from one of the children has them saying something along the lines of
...I can't find the quote now and I haven't replayed in a couple of years. It's something about her near-catatonia and refusal to talk to people.
(C) Modding a game I put my heart and soul into (Kiziah's entire species was designed for that game), started a plot to open up a whole new level of characters for people...and the main person involved in it faffed around promising they'd tag and not doing so until everyone lost interest in the game and it died.
(D) Got drafted into helping mod a game someone else had set up. Put in hours of work taking purple prose and making it coherent. Into setting up events. Into streamlining things for ease of both players and mods. Head mod decided that the game was too small and shut it down on us. No warning. Just "I've decided to close the game".
Beth just pointed out that I've been in TWO Kingdom Hearts based games, got drafted into modding BOTH of them, and had the head mods for BOTH of them abandon them and screw over the rest of us.
Yes. D. At least I got you in my life from D. So it wasn't a total wash.