a girl in love
I looked at Taisho’s unit trait list the other day and laughed about how ill-fitting Reaper is on Taisho but now the more I think about it and the layout of the unit the more I’m like oh wait actually she is in fact an incredibly Taisho person who just smashed all the Taisho down and started acting like a fucking lunatic
she is too Taisho
a girl in love
she’s not actually very stubborn and also sorely lacks Dedication which is not an official unit trait but does feel like a very key defining Taisho trait in my experience but
a girl in love
other than that, like,
a girl in love
- not a people person but very hung up on Her People
- opinionated
- opinionated, in a really philosophically convoluted way
- Don’t Tell Me What The Fuck To Do
- a lot of pride.
- ashamed about the wrong things, weirdly shameless about everything else
- Spite
- actually a huge fucking nerd
a girl in love
- aggro,
a girl in love
- persecution complex,,
a girl in love
I can’t even say “now she’s chucked all of that in the garbage” cuz all of it is still 100% the case she’s just also like today I woke up and decided to be the worst
a girl in love
she is too Taisho.
that seems extremely accurate
wow that really is the Taisho agenda isn't it
a girl in love
I forgot - extremely singleminded
the taisho agenda
a girl in love
the Taisho agenda