🌈Chandni (They)
Today for the first time there was a requirement to wear masks in our supermarket around the corner. Before today it was just a suggestion but now if you don't wear it you can't get in. And I saw someone who huffed and grumbled and left.. but 10 minutes later he was in the store with a mask. Guess he noticed he doesn't get to shop anywhere without (LOL)
I wish they did that here ! It's usually only me and at best 1 other person wearing a mask in the store D;
two weeks ago about 1/4 of everyone in Sainsbury's was wearing a mask. Yesterday, I was literally the only person wearing a mask in the whole store. I think we're going to have an uptick here.
Yeah a few weeks ago lots of people had been wearing gloves (though none wearing masks). Now it looks like people have either forgotten or don't care so much? We're definitely going to see a spike.
Squeak =^..^=
Very popular still in Orlando area. Many stores = No mask, no service!
La Comtesse
Our local 7-11 has that. I was in there getting some stuff - a couple ice cream sandwiches, some candy bars, bag of chips - and someone came in without a mask. The counter guy said, "excuse me," very politely, and then suddenly roared "YO, ASSHOLE, NO MASK MEANS NO SHOP, GET OUT!!" Then as the guy scurried out, turned to me and politely said, "Sorry."
🌈Chandni (They)
La Comtesse : LOL that sounds like something I'd wanna see
La Comtesse
It is a weird experience, yeah. They now hve plates of plexiglass hanging down in front of the registers, they have no hot food (no hot dogs, no nachos!), and they're selling loaves of bread which is new.
Do these shops sell masks?
🌈Chandni (They)
sjonsvenson : nope but they also don't sell clothing and you got to wear that
What a concept, wearing clothes . . . :-P
ps they will start selling masks in most supermarkets around here.
La Comtesse : That sounds so New Yawk.