Here's my long winded opinion of what it is worth to garden - first, your mileage may vary based on your growing season and where you are. Also if you don't like the vegetable/whatever don't grow it. You still won't eat it. Having said that:
Tomatoes: There is nothing like a fresh tomato from the garden. I grow them even tho the PNW isn't the best tomato climate (our summers don't get hot enough), but it's still worth it. The best variety for PNW are usually the hybrids developed by one of the colleges. If the tag says "Developed for the Willamette Valley's climate" plant that over anything
else because they will do better. This year I wasn't able to shop for my tomato starts, I got some starts from a friend of a friend who was selling them for a school fundraiser. They look pretty sad but I think they are busy putting down roots. Cherry tomatoes do well here in the PNW. Anywhere you have really warm humid summers, tomatoes will do well - even
some place like Colorado which has harsh winters, you should be ok with tomatoes.
Green beans: I love fresh green beans. I've never had much luck with the bush bean varieties, plant the pole beans and give them something to climb and they will be happy.
Squash - most kinds of squash are easy to grow if you have enough space. Zucchini and summer squash and pumpkins, I've had luck with all of these.
Chives are super easy to grow and come back every year.
Mint is good but plant it in a container or you will be pulling it out of your lawn and the rest of the garden
Oregano is another easy one.
Basil I have some luck with if I get a start, never been able to grow that from seeds.
You can grow lots of herbs in pots, easy and well worth it. Rosemary is one of my favorites.
I would add lettuce is really easy to grow, and worth it, so is kale and swiss chard
also worth it for me is spring onions, leeks, and spinach - it is root veggies that don't grow that well in my soil - like carrots and beets
I want to do an apple tree. (granny smith) and maybe some berries.
I plan on tomatoes, peppers and zucchini. All in containers.
ooh and. cucumber