→ yard sard
[RL/RP] more updates ugh
→ yard sard
so this health... thing.... is getting weirder
→ yard sard
going to call my doctor tomorrow to see if they can see me, because it's spreading in weird ways to my hands and feet
→ yard sard
the one on the bottom of my foot is so painful I can barely hobble anywhere, and it feels like I'm getting one on the bottom of my other foot too
→ yard sard
same with my palms
the forger
oh no :-(
Ꙇɩᥴᖾ, ρꙆᥱᥲ⳽ᥱ 💀
oh my god, red I'm so sorry D: That' fuckin terrible.
→ yard sard
I just wish I knew what the hell this was
→ yard sard
I'm worried about something like urticarial vasculitis
could it be the recently-added medications? as if it hit some concentration in your blood and your body went
→ yard sard
I super hope not
→ yard sard
if it was, I'd expect the symptoms to be staying the same or getting worse, not.... changing but seeming to fade
→ yard sard
like all the lesions on my arms and upper body are on their way to being almost gone
→ yard sard
but all the stuff that showed up on my feet and lower legs that came later is still mutating
→ yard sard
and now maybe new things are showing up on the palms of my hands and feet? it's weird and not matching anything that I can easily identify
→ yard sard
just more reasons I think I should talk to a doctor now
i'm so glad you're reaching out to a doctor DB
→ yard sard
..... cool now my feet are swollen
→ yard sard
oh my god