Year of the Cat
Year of the Cat
Becky You told me to give you a poke the next time there was a TDM. BRING ME OBI-WAN! ..........Please.
hello ^._.^🍓
One Winged
I totally would if I thought I could do another game 8(
One Winged
ohh this game has an overwatch cast too
Awesome thank you! He will crash your party this evening
Year of the Cat
One Winged : Dude, this game is great, ngl. I always had it in the back of my mind since I played in it way back when it opened, I just never had the right character until I picked up Maul.
Year of the Cat
He's up there!
One Winged
ngl I'd be totally tempted for an overwatch character too. Maybe we'll see ... if work settles down a little ...
hello ^._.^🍓
>_> ... someone interested in our OW cast you say?
hello ^._.^🍓
Hit the TDM and i will send a cast after you : D
One Winged
hello ^._.^🍓 : I do play Mercy! And a couple others but mostly Mercy. I've always considered apping her to a game but have chickened out.
hello ^._.^🍓
I play Genji, and we have a delightful Moira. /pimps in a SW plurk/
hello ^._.^🍓
If you have any cast questions, feel free to PM me.
One Winged
Sure thank you!
I'm so tempted to send a Star Wars person, if not this tdm maybe the next one.
Year of the Cat
Do it! Dooooo eeeetttt!