[family shit] /facepull
Losing my goddamn mind a bit because I need to go somewhere quiet for schoolwork that is also around where the router is for internet access
last two nights in a row mom was drunk and loud and watching tv
and I'm like jesus fuck enough
so I talked to her just now and predictably it didn't go too hot
Where I was like "I'm taking off tomorrow to finish work I should have done over the weekend and couldn't. You get really loud at 6-11 and that's my prime time to get homework done."
And I feel like shit for saying it and she feels like shit and we're both trying to figure out how to live in the same shared space
Sergio was like covering his ears and hiding in the attic and that's not cool
And I'm going like "Mom you have to stop. Just for ten days. Just so I can fucking finish my homework and final exam and then I don't care but you are very loud."
And she was sleepy enough where she only sulks and doesn't yell instead. I don't know how to broach the topic of "shut the fuck up so I can do work" in a less combative way
So it's been great to not be able to go pack my shit up and go to a library or something
That's....a long time to be loud.
It's mostly the TV. And she was like "don't you have headphones" and I'm like "yeah, I did. They broke. That's why I'm freaking out now at you" and I ordered replacement ones last week
The difficult thing is the placement of the router. So the router needs to be close to Mom's office because (god fucking knows why) she has an ethernet connection that runs into the phone line.
Mom's office is doubling as her living room so that the router can also be close to the TV that's the loudest electronic in the house
Sergio and I both need to be close to that same router during work hours and then school hours
So I'm in the echo-y landing of the hallway above it and he's in the room directly above Mom's office/living room because he has the three desktop set-up situation
And it's a big house but we don't know how to make the old router stretch
I tried other rooms. The kitchen was okay for a bit. It had really spotty connections but it was mostly the foot traffic because it's a) the kitchen, and B-) the only way to get into the basement for laundry
could you have more than one router?
And the guest bedroom was a no-go because it gets zero connections
We could, but the old house doesn't have the hook-ups where it needs to be
We already had to drill some holes in the floor to make room for the existing router
So we're both hyper defensive and I'm prepared for a dosage of Mom Guilt today and for the foreseeable future
spooky queer
oh boy. my mom also blasts the tv so loud you can head it through the whole house. i think she has a hearing problem bc she uses captioning regardless, but. why blast the volume also
I borrowed a set of regular headphones but you can still hear the tv through them. The really nice noise blocking ones I broke three days ago
so done with school. .-.
This is end of week 5 of 6 and I'm fretting because I haven't figured out a good replacement for the laptop that broke and I need a webcam + a room + no plugs except for a charger for three hours.
For the final exam
and that's gonna be fun to figure out
I'm on my work laptop but it loves to short out the display at inconvenient times and the only way to fix that is to have an external monitor plugged into it. Which. is not allowed
I'm going to borrow Mom's laptop for a little bit and pray it works
spooky queer
i have a pair of noise cancelling ones i'm not using actually, they just need to be plugged into your laptop
spooky queer
if you want them
spooky queer
i got wireless ones
Man I might. I'm so tired. .-. I think I get like this towards the end of any class but esp now
spooky queer
spooky queer
it would normally be a stressful time so now you just have to deal with a bunch of little stressors that normally wouldn't be there on top of it
yeah. woof. I don't know how to have a conversation that doesn't immediately put everyone on the defense but at the same time I'm almost in tears about this
man, you need an extender
like, one of those things that just takes the wifi and rebroadcasts it
also, you might want to try having a thing where people write down their sort of "minimum requirements" -- I have to be x distance from router for x hours of quiet time, I have to have x amount of de-stressing time
and see if there's a schedule you can work up around that
spooky queer
^ i was legit just gonna type that
also, please feel free to lawyer your way around that final exam requirement. like -- duct tape over plugs = now no plugs!
we all know you not gonna cheat
spooky queer
like a chore wheel almost but a habits wheel
spooky queer
spooky queer
for cheap
they really do work!
I once lived in a house that ate wifi signal for breakfast and putting one of these partway through the house was a huge relief for everyoe
oh wow that's awesome
we use a repeater even for our apartment and they really work
if it's a smart TV you could also look into getting her headphones