tea’s gone cold
[ff7 trainwreck discourse] the time from release date to 'sefikura is incest' turned out to be 7 days

tea’s gone cold


tea’s gone cold
honestly how is THIS why you think sefikura is Problematic


tea’s gone cold
not the fact where sephiroth repeatedly violates cloud's body autonomy to make him bring him a magic rock

tea’s gone cold
like lmao so much sefikura really really bugs me but the non-existent incest is the least of the problem i have with the creepy stuff

tea’s gone cold
i just don't enjoy Titillating Homoerotic Rivalry when it's done with someone who doesn't consent

the honored one
i still can't believe THIS is where they started with sefikura

pure starfall
i was expecting discourse on why shipping cloud with anyone is pedo because he's mentally 16

pure starfall
... well anyone except yuffie ig

pure starfall
maybe we'll get that in future remake installments

"i just hate it w/e" maybe just say that then

it's ok

hahaha i was wondering if people would seize on the dev interview that said "cloud is still mentally just a boy" and be like "IF YOU SHIP CLOUD YOU'RE A LITERAL PREDATOR"

Nancy Crawfish
Mad science experiments that give you alien DNA are basically adoption

Nancy Crawfish
Makes sense.

the other side
dont tell this person about people who give blood

the other side
or partners that donate a kidney to the other