weaver ♪
would your character date mine?

𝓵𝓲𝓮𝓷 𝓸𝓷 𝓵𝓲𝓯𝓮 ❤️
persie would 100% hit on urianger, and tsolmon would be worried about giving him a heart attack.......

tataru would set urianger up on dates

weaver ♪
he's more durable than he seems! but also totally fair

weaver ♪
man, imagine him actually getting set up, though

weaver ♪
like if you told him someone wanted to meet him for lunch he'd probably assume they were studying something? and bring notes?

she would absolutely set him up...you know she would

weaver ♪
and if she wasn't specific about the reason, he wouldn't realize it was a date until halfway through if that

lmfdlmsf urianger

weaver ♪
it's not that he isn't interested in theory, it's just that, like...who has the time?

this is why you sleepin on the hottest woman in your life who could also crush you

weaver ♪
tbf she was back home in Sharlayan for a reason. if she'd been around in Eorzea this whole time things would have gone a lot different

weaver ♪
that relationship is so fraught and fascinating for me

me too

I want to know more

i could see it working... AST buddies and all


it's urianger and shy cat

weaver ♪
they would be super super cute if...one of them ever made a move...

LMFAO 100% fact...

Jolly Manticore
Both of my twins would. You know the ones

Irhya... would hit on him mercilessly but when confronted with the actual reality of commitment, will scurry far away in fear

𝓵𝓲𝓮𝓷 𝓸𝓷 𝓵𝓲𝓯𝓮 ❤️
Tsolmon trusts that he's durable she just has baggage.... ex-garlean soldier shaped baggage