Frozen Time
[ffxiv] My first paycheck came in today, so /buys Shadowbringers
Frozen Time
Soon I will have Dancer and Gunbreaker and once again I will have every class unlocked.
Frozen Time
"AF you don't have fishe--"
Frozen Time
Frozen Time
Frozen Time
two words: ocean fishing
i was going to say; ocean fishing
the most addictive group-based bonus game ever
Frozen Time
I got too much other shit to do.
how can you say no to that face
Frozen Time
Fisher is a rabbit hole I dare not venture down again.
Frozen Time
I'm looking forward to trying out Dancer, though. Dunno how much I'll actually level it when I'm still trying to get my other non-main classes up to 60, but I do enjoy the ranged DPS classes.
Frozen Time
Maybe we'll have a repeat of Red Mage and I'll end up with another new main.
Frozen Time
On the one hand it's nice not to have to level up new jobs through the early levels. On the other, getting all the skills at once and going through them one by one to figure out what they do and where they should actually live on my hotbars is. Not. Fun....
dancer at least is pretty much "everything just lights up when you need it"
but positioning stuff on your hotbars comfortably enough is another matter
Frozen Time
I was already in Gridania because of Hatchingtide, so I started with Gunbreaker.
Frozen Time
I'd already heard that the lore is that gunblades predated guns and thus guns were named for their similarity to gunblades and not the other way around, but it's still kind of hilarious.
Frozen Time
Digging the rhythm of the cartridge system so far, though.
Frozen Time
Ohohoho, yes, I am liking Dancer from what I've seen in the initial job quest.
if you enjoy rdm i think you'll enjoy dnc when you get into it!
it's also real simple to play decently, you just have to remember your dances actually do damage and that you save all your feathers for just after the blue dance once you get the blue dance
the dance skills are super chonky and satisfying
Frozen Time
I definitely tend towards the simple-but-random, reactionary kind of play, so Dancer is really right up my alley with that.
dancer is great
i pretty much ended up maining that when i went back