I spent three hours today doing assignments and college stuff so I'm behind on tags and I'm very, very sorry. I'll get to it immediately, I promise.

conjυnх endυra
noooo you're not behind at all!! you were tagging like 24 hours ago. we're not that kind of game where you HAVE to tag every day.

conjυnх endυra
seriously a few days between tags is nothing. no one will even bat an eye

Look I got a callout post on tumblr once for not tagging for 12 hours. I'm not used to this... chillness.

conjυnх endυra
.... well there went any inclination I ever had to try tumblr rp

Oh, that's nothing.

conjυnх endυra

I've seen people get accused of favoring one RP partner over another over who you're boomeranging with faster. It made boomeranging with three people the closest to a breakdown I've ever come in RP.

I also knew someone who got chewed out over PM for stopping boomeranging to go to sleep because they stopped before the smoochy smoochy bit of a romance thread and DID YOU LIE TO ME WHY AREN'T YOU PLAYING THE PAIRING YOU SAID YOU WOULD ensued.

conjυnх endυra

conjυnх endυra
you.... are going to be much happier here.

I'm stealing that emote, is that okay?

conjυnх endυra
please do!

I'm already significantly happier here, for the record.

conjυnх endυra
I'm glad!

conjυnх endυra
I know we've got some quirks that take some getting used to like any site, but we're not a bad bunch

Everyone's really nice, and chill, and no one is angry, and no one has gone WHY ARE YOU PLAYING WITH SO-AND-SO, THEY'RE EEEEVIIIIL so as far as I'm concerned y'all are golden.

conjυnх endυra
you gotta remember, most of the RPers on DW predate the tumblr crowd by like a decade or better. most of us are too old and tired to deal with that level of no-chill pffft

Age is not an indicator of chill. The person who made a callout post about me was 28.

conjυnх endυra
It's not an infallible indicator, no. but it can play a part

I hope so. I'd love it if DWRP continued being this level of chill for a while. The rest of my life is crazy rn, I need the peace.

Disclaimer: my life is normally not crazy and weird and I do normally try to be more prompt about RP. These are, uh, extenuating circumstances, atm.

conjυnх endυra
No worries

Thank you.