(Joking there. Mostly. Though the way he disrespects her at times still really irks me, especially given some of her insecurities. Besides, we all know I prefer her with Yuuki anyway.)
She also has a Gift that she calls her Geist, and it reacts to her emotional state. It’s kept anyone from touching her, going up like a shield around her.
For starters, I really wish she’d had agency in escaping from Sugou. I hate that part of the story with a fiery passion, and try not to think about it.
I actually really like the duality of how her persona in Aincrad was her way of blocking off her own insecurities, and that’s a big reason why I love Mother’s Rosario so much.
Like... at the start she’s scared to talk about her fears with Kirito or anyone else, but by the end she’s really open with Yuuki. It’s why I love them so much.
And strangely, I wish there was more with her mom too. Because she’s someone I’ve gained a lot of sympathy for and I think it’s interesting that Asuna helps her cope with her own need to hide her emotions.
She was also in a relationship with Kirito