Mad Larkin
[covid] [relationships] I've had a realization that I have no idea how to react to (if that makes sense)

Mad Larkin
if I was single, I'd be dealing with this way better

Mad Larkin
because the one thing I keep running up against is not being able to see my boyfriend

Mad Larkin
I'm looking forward being able to go into the city and move around more freely, but I've mostly adjusted to not having that

Mad Larkin
but I keep wanting to cave and have him come get me, even though it's inadvisable at best

Mad Larkin
but I'm facing the idea that it'll probably be two months from my last visit that I see him in person and I have no idea what that'll do to our relationship

I'm really sorry you're in that position but given where you are especially it's very important you continue to isolate.

and if you ever wanna throw on a chat and a movie or anything for some company hmu. I know it's not much! But I hear you and I get you

Mad Larkin
thanks <3!