[Meme] Why not... let's give Meta Monday a go.
Indy 4,13
Indy 4... The life of Roy Chapman Andrews and a couple of books like The Lost City of Z

Because I'm a terrible sucker for true life adventure stories. Especially of the doomed variety.
13... Hmm, as much as Crystal Skull gargles cgi monkey balls... getting his shit together and reuniting with Marion is damn near perfect.
Wayward Haze
I need to read City of Z! I just finished Lost City of the Monkey God by Douglas Preston, which was pretty dang good
Wayward Haze
2, 7, 15 for Vader
Wayward Haze
3 & 11 for Steed
Oh I loved that one too!
Wayward Haze
<--- read it for this loser. And the fixer in that, Bruce Heinecke? Looks an uncanny amount like his mentor/bff, which I find hysterical
Wayward Haze
If the book hadn't been written around the same time they were making the 4th game I would've wondered about inspiration
Vader... 2
Least favorite... sometimes finding the line between "meh" Vader and "I'm not just going to kill you, I'm going to make you explode" Vader is a big challenge. He can really go from chatting happily to strangling you at the drop of a hat.
INdy/Nate need to sit down and have a drink I swear
I don't know that I admire anything about him. (LOL)
But his general 'meh, I have no fucks' attitude to most things is a lot of fun.
PrincessBatty : I am for this! It would be really good for voice testing too
15... just the opposite. I can't listen to a lot of stuff or I get bleed between canon Vader and BMS!Vader... No John Williams allowed
Wayward Haze : get on that Nate/Indy drink, I wanna watch!
you voyeur you...
LOL well otherwise it's me running both Marion and Elena harassing them both
Good point. lol
Okay, I'm going to do Steed in reverse order. 11.
Steed is simultaneously a guy that can care deeply for the people in his life and shoot his best friend without overthinking it. And he can flip between the part of him that's a good person and the part of him that's a remorseless killer in a heartbeat.
He can protest being accused of murder by saying 'But, I haven't killed anyone all week' and have it be both flip and legitimate.
He's kind of like the 10th and 12th Doctor in needing someone around to keep him grounded.
And I can't lie... it's also the thing I enjoy about Steed. Because I have a type!
But it's also not always comfortable to write and that's also fun.
PrincessBatty : Exactly... Look at how not murder he is. Just bashing people over the head with a bit of steel. Much improvement!
LOL she is so proud
She does get unfazed at having to step over dead bodies in his flat though. Self defense is excusable.
Yes! He's put a lot of effort into actively avoiding killing people. She should totally be proud of him.
Wayward Haze
We can do this! I need to set up his open post and all anyway, I'll let you know when they're done
I try to keep the ones that humanize him and provide moments of development in mind.
Like he isn't completely untouched by some of the terrible things he's been through and has some ptsd from being captured and tortured more than once. He has triggers like Brahms' lullaby and things he's uncomfortable with like dimly lit rooms.
LOL the moment he realized he done fucked up with Emma in Two's a Crowd. That was a big step for him because previously he never gave manipulating people and situations a second thought.
That's one of very few moments he actually shows some on screen remorse for his actions. Because he was a HUGE DICK and went way to far.
He really was
I imagine she had some very emphatic and colorful words for him after that.
And he deserved every damn one of them.
Wayward Haze
Having never seen it ... sounds a bit like Curse of Fenric, Avengers-style?
eh.... I guess in the sense that Steed was horribly cruel. But he doesn't have any kind of reasonable justification for what he said and did.
He was pretending to be his own double and in the process he not only convinced her that he was killed, but he said some things to her that were needlessly hurtful to keep up the illusion that he wasn't Steed.
He went so far that she seriously considered killing him, thinking he was his double.