gremlin wife
I had no immune system for months after my bone marr...
A really good perspective on preventative measures in these trying times, y'all.
zee art
what a good read
Heating up your nose to 133F
I'm glad I've not come across that 'advice'. But this is a good article. Thank you.
gremlin wife
Good to know!
have been doing the "keep any pathogens from coming in the house" thing especially because my parents aren't great at hand washing
Corpse Sniffer
that is good advice, but the problem is even if im taking a break right now, i work as a pharmacy tech, and i dont think id be able to wash my hands after touching things each time
Corpse Sniffer
also does that qualify as a health care provider???
gremlin wife
A pharmacy tech is absolutely a health-care provider, IMO
corpse bride
i feel like that since you are separated by a counter, for the most part, then you have a barrier between you and the customer HOWEVER since a lot of times sick persons are visiting the pharmacy for medicine, it's probably not a bad idea to shower when you get home from work
Corpse Sniffer
after 8 hours shifts of only standing im lucky im awake lol, but...sighs
corpse bride
i work in a grocery store in the produce department, and i'm just generally in the habit of showering as soon as i get home because of sweating from physical activity, esp in summer
Corpse Sniffer
tho i did need someone to say 'when exactly should you wash your hands' b/c 'all the time' does not register to my brain
Corpse Sniffer
true, i just end up showering before work so i wouldnt want to like double up
corpse bride
for people that work in food related departments, these are the general rules we're given for hand washing
- after touching trash or picking up things on the floor
- after handling money
- after sneezing, coughing, touching your face
- after using the bathroom or coming back from break
- before touching food (or probably medicine, in your case)
corpse bride
a lot of cashiers and front end people are just wearing gloves as a general rule and changing frequently since they can't just run and wash their hands anytime the want like other departments can
corpse bride
they've also installed plexiglass sneeze shields in front of every register, to help prevent the spread of airborne particles, and have an extra barrier there
Corpse Sniffer
the good thing in our pharmacy is that we have a sink so i can go wash my hands back there, but we also sometimes get lines of patients where i physically cannot leave the front
Corpse Sniffer
also the other techs just let me stay in the front all the time b/c they dont care but ive brought that up to my boss
Corpse Sniffer
but the gloves might be a good idea, tho how often do you have to cycle through them
corpse bride
then my recc is basically to wear gloves, and when you get the chance, wash hands after when changing gloves
corpse bride
uh, back when i was still working salad bar and doing food prep, basically any time i touched trash, or touched my face, i changed my gloves
corpse bride
and washed my hands before putting on the new pair
Corpse Sniffer
whats the max sort of hours, so i have a number at least (sorry about all the questions))
corpse bride
I feel like I changed mine every half-hour or so? Just as an average!
corpse bride
I'm an obsessive hand washer, though, but it really pays off because I rarely get sick these days! Plus, I keep up with all my vaccinations and whatnot
corpse bride
But it really is like, not rubbing your eyes and touching your face UNTIL you've washed your hands, because that seems like the easiest vector for infections
corpse bride
I'm used to getting dirt under my nails from prepping veg and whatnot, so I'm always paranoid about rubbing my eyes unless I've just scrubbed my hands
Corpse Sniffer
yeah ive been doing pretty okay for being paranoid about touching my face at work, tho less at home (then again no one goes out at home)
Corpse Sniffer
(i will still say walgreens does not pay enough for this bs)
corpse bride
It's not AS BAD if you do it at home, because the exposure to other pathogens is minimal, and you have easy access to washing your hands
corpse bride
But also, just, make sure when you sneeze or cough to do it in your elbow or shoulder, or whatever (I try to do it where I'm wearing fabric, depending on length of sneeze) so I'm not sneezing directly on my skin and also not blasting my germs into the ether
corpse bride
*length of sleeves
corpse bride
The only habit I've really changed is that I make sure to wipe down my phone every time as soon as I get home, after washing my hands
corpse bride
Especially since we all have a habit of taking our phones into the bathroom when we're on break lmao
corpse bride
Also, I wear glasses, so I wipe those down along with my phone, just to be safe!
Corpse Sniffer
yeah i should definitely remember to do that
DIE!Ba Nana
I need to clean my phone and stuff more often
DIE!Ba Nana
I do wipe down my electronics but not often enough, and I ought to do so.
corpse bride
Yeah, when we did our food safety training, we were told that your cell phone carries more pathogens than money, according to studies, and it's probably because we use them while in the bathroom
corpse bride
Also, as far as wiping down surfaces at home, I just focus on high-traffic touch points or "hot spots," as I call them
corpse bride
So, door knobs and handles (including your fridge and freezer) light switch plates, sink handles, oven knobs, and toilet flush handle
corpse bride
I'm a bit more stringent on this because my roommate told me that he doesn't wash his hands after using the bathroom, and I... seriously doubt he's changed his habits much, even amid the current health crisis
Spooky Action
excellent article, and I've always wondered "...does this mean that people weren't washing their hands in the bathroom?" Which sounds so gross to me.
corpse bride
it really is... and I know for a fact my roommate wasn't washing his hands before he even told me because when I moved in, there was no soap or hand towels in the bathroom before I bought any....
Rachel, RN
Spooky Action
...okay that's flat out disgusting
corpse bride
he had the nerve to accuse me of getting him sick last year when that new strain of cold was going around and I ended up with an upper respiratory infection that required antibiotics to deal with.... even though he's had a low-key cough near constantly since I moved in two years ago
corpse bride
luckily I got my pneumonia vaccine a month prior to that, and my flu shot about a week after (I was gonna get it right before I got sick with that cold)
corpse bride
I hadn't had an upper respiratory infection prior to this, probably because I practice good hand washing all the time
What I've been doing, as a grocery worker:
-Wearing vinyl and/or nitrile gloves
-Wearing a surgical mask
-Putting my work smock in a plastic bag when I take it off at work
-Changing clothes not covered by my smock when I get home (shirt, pants) and putting those, the smock and the surgical mask into my laundry (already separate from my family's laundry)
Also started showering when I get home from work, since I have no idea what gets into my hair.
I'm minded of the conversation in the movie "Contagion", where the CDC facility janitor is grumbling to Laurence Fishburne's character about how his wife is making him use their garage as an airlock, and Lauraunce Fishburne tells him "She isn't wrong."
I had a roommate who didn't wash his hands... I ultimately got a giant thing of hand sanitizer and begged him
Lotions Keith
coochie scarf
corpse bride : desgustang
coochie scarf
why are boys
corpse bride
oh, he's not even a boy, he's a 42 yo man that describes himself as "a teenager that pays bills" like that's something to be proud of
Lotions Keith : Yes! had a phone conversation with my doctor (was supposed to go in for my annual physical, but that got rebejiggered), in which she asked me what I measures I had to protect myself at work.
We got into a chat about masks, in which she said, pretty much any percentage of protection is better than zero protection.
Also that some of it helps your peace of mind, which is important to take care of as well.
I work in a specialty pharmacy, and on top of washing hands frequently/wearing gloves when handling any meds, I've been dousing anything I regularly touch with isopropyl alcohol
We don't even deal with customers in-person (mail-order pharmacy), but we do ship out a lot of stuff for people in high risk groups
3/4 of what I fill are chemo, immunosuppressants, antivirals for HIV... yeah
So I'm extra careful
coochie scarf
coochie scarf
^ re: "teenager who pays bills"
coochie scarf
gross gross gross.