The real experience is about / its emotion
between the words
1. why are we telling story?
we don't like chaos, want to understand the world, which full of coincidence.
First story:Creztionist
Social animal - Rule for what's good and bad.
>Give the life and world meaning
Now we have two things,
1. inaudible story
2.emotional medium - film
Biggest life changing is mostly emotional
But we need to simplify the specific information to a minimum - Read the subject/image
Language is not only the communication, eye contact, body language as well, then that how human is more intelligent in a way(? 7:25
>why film have some incredible power
Lev Kruschev effect
- What film is about > put image together and the audience make the conclusion that we are unable to say
Because we don't like coincidence, so we plan to create there different emotion by putting three pics
Experiment: People create logic with the random pics
> so filmmaker need to control precisely
otherwise, the audience make their own storires, which sometimes can be beautiful but normally, at certain point, they will be frustrated.
In editing room, to find the balance between overselling and undertelling
> need to be so clear and precise that there is no space for the reader or interpretation
Undertelling - abstract painting that everyone can see, if people with special background and knowledge will read it different.

Plot-oriented or Arty - with all kind of information, why we are where we are should be crystal clear
Nowadays , the danger is too much emphasis on the plot
But the goal is what is happening in the audience's head.
We should always try to minimise the amount of information, the specific information is needed to go to the emotional experience.
when we set up the universe, Then we need the tension to grab the audience's curiosity. (Terminology is like the thing we put in the material so we lose the sense to see and feel the material.)
So we put some new information make the viewer to question the older information we gave before - make them want to see more
Problem often happen : forget the ordinary, but the personal ordinary is not boring for other people or meaningless(?18:36
We come too late into the shooting.
The ordinary - change come - story. (Rich background but wrong starting point after change)
Character driven film - the protagonist need to change - in real life, we don't change without the force.
so the situation for the protagonist is usually in the crisis or somepoint they must change.
However, the problem is the force is not convincedly enough to push them chang.
Solution - 1. Tell one thing at a time .2 Holdback the information 3.use the energy of that information to its MAXIMUM.
And then come with the next thing.
Too many film tell too much thing at the same time. we are not using the power of each information, so the audience don't feel there is a change
WATCH: The look of Silence (2015) the opening
Text information: Adi's borther is killed in 1965 when .... he start to seach the truth.
But the whole sequence is dragging the audience into the wonder, to take part of the storytelling.
The first 3 images don't make sense to each other until TV with Adi. The look of silence is made after The act of killing which is controversial that choose to tell the story of perpetrators and the killers
Because normally storytelling have the good and the bad, and the audience should know what is good. But The act of killing took out the good/victim, which make the film become a very inaudible film. not deal with the sentimentality of the good but want to understand something of the evils
People who watched The Act of Killing which is extremely violent, shouting to the audience. How to make the sequel for the film went through the roof. So it goes to the opposite direction.
And the scene often been inaudible beczue of the fear they were silienced
And it also against the expectation that the aude=ience want to see something very horrible
- Holding back and build up the tension :
The singing man in TV > The people split it like they are watching a horror film.
- The tension up Until : the kid saying glasses > we change
Then Adi ask fatehr to sing "Oh you so sexy" ( The child had change us emotionally accept the turn in emotion.
odd humor : The victim have children and sing sexy song
Iikka Vehkalahti:
Mozart made mistakes by purpose in composing becuz he want to make the holes for the audience to go in. Umberto Eco has a book about that.(41:18)
1.The emotion is usually considered as the opposite of intelligent.
2.The word of overtelling and undrtelling is too simple, I use curiosity - if you use the curiosity then you kill the field = overtelling / undertelling is confusion that know too less or LOST.
What is the function of the scene of whashing?
it is not for delivery the information, it more like a melodic part.
Film is more close to music, like music curve.
Build up - change - go down.
The problem is name the every part and construct them in informative way. BUT What is the emotion feel of this scene
EMOTIONAL LOGIC - the melancholy is weaker emotion than the sad emotion.
1. How do you try the opening of the film
2.How you handle the huge amount of the material and start
The use of cat fucking shot
A: I dont start editing with the opening
in the editing of The look of silence, the opening come out when we just play and try anything without purpose. (but we already know the backbone of the film)
How are we giving these confrontation show another dimension of humanity of willing forgetting or giving or accepting
The father is more and more demanted
It's good to start with the ending and we know where we are building to
Our sensitivity is the tool and we have to be honest about it.
instead of telling people what they should do, tell the experience they have (in the screening)
Usually, I rush though the first draft.
With the director, tell them write down the idea and watch the whole film first