King of Games
My favorite dumb conspiracy so far is that Apple and Google created Covid19 and unleashed it on the world so that they could look good when they donated their store of millions of n95 masks.
King of Games
disrupting their own supply chains and also neither are biotech companies. But sure. That's what happened.
Ashen Key
.... oh gosh. i shouldn't be surprised. and YET
King of Games
i know everyone hated tech bros but like... in this instance it's not their fault
Ashen Key
being Cynical is very In, but a lot of people don't know enough to be cynical in the right places. so it tutns into conspiracy ridiculous
King of Games
yeah. like if you think this thru for 2 seconds...
King of Games
but i guess that's every conspiracy theory really.
Plus, uh, they have the masks because they’re located in fire central and n95 masks are good for smoky air too. They have them for their employees health. (unsure)
O fuck how did they figure us out
Rizzaria 🔥
even better is that Apple isn't stockpiling that many n95 masks. Tim Cook was head of sourcing back before he became CEO, so he's been finding sources to produce masks to donate
King of Games
well also OSHA requires you to have masks for every employee for at least 10 days tho the recommendation is 100 days. (like my company had several thousand we donated). and google has 30,000 employees. times 100 days is 3 million masks.
Rizzaria 🔥
King of Games
this isn't a hoard this is like... basically required for employee safety in a california wildfire area.
Rizzaria 🔥
but i bet conspiracy theorists are like THeY'rE HoArDiNG beCAuSE theY KnOW
Rizzaria 🔥
(meanwhile it's like... no sorry fam the truth is way more mundane)
King of Games
yup thats exactly it.
King of Games
I don't think people get how gnarly air quality in silicon valley is during fire season.
King of Games
my office straight up shut down for 4 days.
King of Games
and we're like 200 miles away. but this area is like a low basin and smoke just gets trapped