Angry Popoto
Don’t wanna get up, don’t wanna go to work and do nothing because all of my flights for the day have been canceled but I’m still scheduled to fly out of Madison, WI at 6 in the morning tomorrow, don’t waaaaaanna.
Angry Popoto He Disapprove
I'm with him
(although that cat-door on the gate is adorable)
Angry Popoto
(We used to be able to keep it open all the time, but Zephyr is still small enough that he can fit through, so it’s closed again until he grows up/out a bit more)
Angry Popoto
Yep. The day is going about as well as I thought that it might.
Angry Popoto
I already knew that all of my flights were canceled, but I still had to show up at my report time (0615 EDT) just in case they had other flying for me or something.
Angry Popoto
About twenty-five minutes ago I still hadn’t gotten a call from Scheduling with information about my schedule today. It was after my report time (they’re not supposed to call us before then, or at least we’re not required to respond) so I finally went ahead and called them.
Angry Popoto
The scheduler that I was talking to was apparently under the impression that I was somehow already in Chicago, I think. (Hint: I’m not.)
did he expect you to be there
Angry Popoto
“Your first two flights were canceled, so you’re just going to be sitting around until your deadhead from Chicago to-“ “Uh, how am I getting to Chicago? ...and for that matter, I’m pretty sure that scheduled deadhead is also canceled.”
Angry Popoto
I think that because the first two flights were canceled, the computer system just sort of assumed that I was in the station that the remaining flight started in.
the flight to get there are canceled but you are somehow suppsoed to have teleported there
Angry Popoto
Yep! At least, that’s what they apparently thought.
Angry Popoto
It was special.
Angry Popoto
I have fixed the assumption.
Angry Popoto
They then wanted me to wait around Newark for eleven hours for the next non-canceled flight to Madison. I went, “Uh, so do I get a day room to spend that time in?” And the scheduler went, “...let me talk to my supervisor. I’ll call you back again.”
Angry Popoto
And now they’re going to take another flight attendant (presumably one reporting later in the day) and they’re going to send them to Madison instead. I’m just sitting reserve (on call) for the day now. No idea what’s happening tomorrow yet! =D
Ye gods.
So glad you talked me out of ever trying for your line of work. (not that I needed much convincing, mind. But till you started telling me more about it, mum was sure she found my calling. >.<)
Angry Popoto
Yeah, it’s not a lifestyle that really appeals to everyone, and it can get a little much at times.
Angry Popoto
/watches her schedule for the next several days just get blanker and blanker
Angry Popoto
I’m currently on the phone with crew scheduling, trying to figure out what I’m doing. >.>
Angry Popoto
I’M FREE!!! /blasts on home