I don't know a lot of popular canons. I also admittedly don't pay a lot of attention to chatter about series I don't know. Sometimes this leads to funny misconceptions.
For example, I thought Hunger Games and Game of Thrones were the same continuity for a year or so. I assumed it was some story about food Olympics where they did a Fate/ style grail war amongst countries year or so and the winning country got lots of food.
Just got a tag from a Mafuyu. I do not really know Given, but I tag with a character from it often enough. First thought: "Oh, I get to meet Uenoyama's boyfriend now!"

No idea how accurate this impression is to canon. I wonder if this will amuse anyone.
Actually, it's not Kiyoshi, another character, but the initial reaction still stands.
(Ue might well be. I think it's the first time I've played Kiyoshi as the one not oblivious or at least playing dumb but as the one struggling the hardest with the UST.)
Actually, an air headed misudnerstanding is also how I ended up playing Kiyoshi.
He's a pretty wild deviation from my usual type.
I tried to get into KnB for a friend so I could gift them some play. I tried to watch the series 2, maybe 3 times and it was just not doing it for me. I never even got to Kiyoshi since he's late season 1 and I usually tapped out around episode 13-15 or so. But I'll still translate things on demand, so someone has me listen to a CD drama and summary-translate
It happens to be a bonus CD with the DVD Kiyoshi gets introed in. I don't know who this guy is, but they establish right off that he's an air head, him missing the point or such is the first set of gags on the CD. I don't remember half of these characters, so what's one more I don't know?
Anyway, some "Nigou" is missing. Main character went to tend to him and he ran off. I don't remember a "Nigou" so it's probably someone else I don't know. Apparently he ran off randomly and noody's that surprised, so I guess this is just a thing this "Nigou" does.
I've seen PoT, eccentric personalities that people just kind of put up with are the norm in sports anime, and there's enough of them in KnB too.
So apparently "Nigou" is some spoiled kid they all kind of pamper and put up with his selfish whims. They spend most of the CD looking for him. So "Nigou" must be someone prone to going and hiding in bizarreplaces.
Kiyoshi decides to slam on pianos and climb on book shelves to look for him, and as odd as this is, everyone is treating Kiyoshi like a moron for it so this Kiyoshi guy's just dumb enough to look for a kid inside lockers and in pianos.
A character finally declares: "It's not like Nigou doesn't know how to get home, let's go for the night."

Finally, I think, someone speaking some common sense.
Kiyoshi gives this impassioned speech about how Nigou must surely want someone to find him, to not be abandoned all alone, and how they must not give up. Oi. Aren't you pampering this Nigou a little too much? But they all go for it and continue looking. Kiyoshi wanders off.
Great, now they have to find two idiots.
Kiyoshi wanders back and declares he got distracted by some kittens he found and played with. Oh, by the way, while he was doing that, Nigou came to him!
......Bark.... bark?
......Oh! Nigou's a dog!
Well, this story makes a LOT more sense now!
Anyway, after that air headed moment it was impossible not to feel a certain bond to Kiyoshi. We'd gone on an adventure by that point.