[coronavirus, mono, family bullshit in hurr]
Well I didn't die in the night and the pain went away finally so that's good. Thanks all for talking me through that shoulder pain, holy shit.
Sergio's father called last night and he's essentially evacuating his mom, Sergio's grandmother.
The story of the Italian family where four people died because they were all living in the same house in NJ and seven of them caught the virus startled him because that is essentially what his family is doing.
They just lost Sergio's great aunt, his grandma's sister, a few days ago, and couldn't plan or go to a funeral so his father is driving down to Dedham today to grab the grandmother and take her to VT, because she's the only elderly person left in a sea of children and grandchildren
There are 8 children under 18 now living in that house and he says it's not good which we agreed with. .-.
I feel so bad for Nonna. She lost her husband last year, now she's losing her sister, and then she has to be taken away from the rest of the family. And she has Alzheimer's so it's debatable if she knows what's happening
She's so sweet and sad and compliant. I hope she'll be okay
gah it still hurts to sit up
فك يو
it sounds like it's for the best but yeah, ow 8(
oh no
Hooded Figure
D: D: D:
:| welp. After five days, wal-mart just cancelled the order of toilet paper I put in. I'm kind of upset because I've had mono for 3 weeks now so we were already running pretty low and had I known you were gonna cancel in the last day I would have bought from somewhere else
Hooded Figure
D: D: D: D:
Wrote a sad and angry email and called it a day.