[disordered eating, virus stuff, actual advice sought.] So people who like. Need to be reminded to eat what tricks/apps/whatever do you use. Explanation below.
so something that I don't normally talk about is how for huge chunks of my life, my family has been food unstable. it's a thing, it's fine. but as part of my being an adult one of the things that i always did was make sure that everyone else ate before i did, because you know, fat can always stand to lose a few pounds etc.
I've gotten mostly out of that mindset as things were like more stable for my family, and then it totally like peaked again last year when ej couldn't drive anymore because we had no way to like get to the store for food. Thankfully, it was a short duration and didn't really have an effect on my long term... recovery? IDK, it's not something I've ever really
talked about with anyone until last year with my therapist. But given everything /gestures to the whole damn world. I'm worried because I'm starting to do it again. I'm fine right now, we
re good on groceries and things other than the stuff everyone else is (milk, eggs, flour, etc) because when it was starting to look bad a few weeks ago i did what i always do and like preplanned. But it's already hitting up even when knowing that I like have enough for a while? And like food unstable, know how to like do all the stretchy things.
But jesus, there's this part of my brain that's all "we gotta make sure dad and ej have food. you don't need breakfast. have coffee you'll be fine." and then "you don't need lunch, have coffee it's all good."
and it's frightening for me to find myself settling into these patterns so quickly and so fast into the crisis when it's definitely going to be a marathon and not a sprint.
heck man i wish i knew [hugs]
poltergoose 👻
i use habitica for all my stuff i need to remind myself to do
poltergoose 👻
i’ve been using it for a year and a half and i really like it
poltergoose 👻
also i’m sorry this is kicking up stuff, i definitely am struggling with things too :-(
Gosh I hear you. Would it be useful at all to check in with plurk each time you eat?