Paco Pooley
quarantene day 7:
washed all drapes, bedsheets and towels. Bath is squeaking clean. kitchen also. Plan for the weekend to clean up the balcony and clean the windows
Izzie Bizzie
i planned to clear out the cabinet with all the clutter and electronic garbage stuff that is sitting there for years, but our Altstoffsammelzentrum is closed due corona so regular Frühjahrsputz it is
Good on you being so productive!
Paco Pooley
FREEarmStar🌟🎉 : I must - otherwise I go bananas
this is a legit response to the craziness going on
my laundry is actually caught up, which is so unusual for me. my bedroom is clean. I've been tidying up all over the house. I've been pressure washing the driveway and stuff outside. sometimes you just gotta keep yourself busy with chores.
Paco Pooley
Chiyo : Oh totally. I try to set myself a goal for the day to declutter and clean and sort and such. Izzie Bizzie mentioned the electronic garbage box we also have. If this crap is for something good then it will be that we all will have nice clean apartements and houses