https://images.plurk.com/3ijWrzYfBFsTsTrEPb2XER.jpg SCREAMS IN ELDEST
Roadkill Lizard
This is why I simply ended up following all the rules to the letter, because as the eldest it was just easier. Its frustrating that Joseph gets less consequences than I would hope, but he doesn’t get off scot free for his bullshit.
Hannah (CA)
I feel like having a small 2 year age gap meant my brother and I generally faced similar consequences. Though gender had more signicance than birth order in my family.
Hannah (CA)
My brother out all night partying in the city as a high schooler? Tolerated. Me as a college student driving to the city to carve pumpkins at a friend's house. They tracked my phone!
I never got caught so it was the middle sister who got all the shit XDDD