https://images.plurk.com/2yw9qRTSNP63hMlDK4U8a1.png so it begin. School will be put on vacation next week. Every workplace have to be ready for remote work. Gathering of people more then 100 are not allowed, including religious event. Sporting events will be played without spectators. A total ban of any conference.
nots menta
ga ada antivaks disitu ya
Waaaahhhh... dsana udh berapa yg infected dwan?
Last time I know around 27 people. But in such a small and dense metropolitan areas, it’s quite big.
nots menta : of course. Ultra Orthodox Jew people are tend to be antivaks.
nots menta
vacation gw baca vaksin. makanya pertanyaan gw ga nyambung(lmao)
wisata religi gmn ? tutup juga?
They already close the ports since few days ago. Tourist already can’t come here except for Israeli or other type of non tourist visitors .
nots menta : kanootts pliiisss
nots menta
silviaayu : ngantuk mbasil (lmao)
nots menta
ewww...pdhl paskah gini biasa rame tur ke israel.
there’s a bit connection. Vaccines and vacation and virus.
indeed the holiday seasons is coming.