[Theater, ACTING!!!] Tonight is my audition slot for Bonnie & Clyde at 1st Street. For anyone who's interested, this is the part I'm shooting for (and the song I'm doing tonight):

7. "God's Arms Are Always Open"- Bonnie and Clyde (...

I'm a bit on the old side (and not enough of a tenor) to go for the primary male roles of Clyde Barrow or his brother Buck. Besides, I like the Preacher's songs from a music standpoint. So here's hoping...

Tonberry King
Cheering you on!

That was over quickly. Things ran long with the group before us, so all they did was call us each to sing and then sent us home. Scene readings will be next week.

I think I did pretty well for the 32 bars I was allowed. Didn't miss the high notes and got some nuance into my singing. I should know more information by the time the weekend is out.