For the whole "send money(?)/choco and get a picture of the character back" part of the valentine's event, the character who got the most chocolate was... Belial
oh yeah, that'll get you there. XD (I played a bunch over the holidays and ended up at like rank 125 thanks mostly just to arcarum, and that was without this big of a bonus )
and the anniversary ticket they're selling will let you pick seasonal characters up to this holiday (Metaton/Narmaya) and other limiteds up to Shiva's release. I'm still probably going to buy myself the Black Knight if she doesn't happen to come home in the roulette. I think.
Summer Sandalphon is also an excellent pick, of course. <3 Ah, my first spark target. <3 Will he ever leave my Water team? Probably not, let's be real.
Oh hey, the stream gifts have been delivered! Includes 4k crystals, a bunch of Shiva/Alexiel/etc. omega anima, prisms, gold moons... oh, and a U&F SSR ticket, among other things.
the ssr ticket was nice to me, but I've got so many wind characters I like better (well, mostly I just don't know this one at all) so I doubt she'll see much use. ^^;;
a pity for her that we just had a wind-favoured proving ground event... (although iirc, they're working on a new type of event that also uses multiple parties somehow?)
speedy boys!
How many of each Eternal got recruited in general, and who got picked for the anni event's free Eternal
and recruited Evokers~
The artwork for one of the new classes is really cute. Look at the little dog ears on Gran!!
Vane is finally getting his own ssr <3
the ssr ticket was nice to me, but I've got so many wind characters I like better (well, mostly I just don't know this one at all) so I doubt she'll see much use. ^^;;