oh we finally get to see what Oh told Jurati
....oh. I guess Oh really is a vulcan.
....someone else who watches Discovery could prob confirm, but
I'm PRETTY sure this is the same or similar vision Spock had about the AI they were fighting in last season of Discovery o_O
well, I can kind of see what pushed Jurati over the edge
this couples with Rhamda's reaction to soji et all are making me go "....crap, wait. are they actually trying to fend off something BAD?"
And....Hugh and the xbs are in serious trouble O_O
resisting li
....man, if nothing else, they BELIEVE this is true
Narissa to Hugh: "You may have doomed a trillion souls across half the galaxy."
Jurati asking the relevant question "What about Elnor"
aw, he's staying behind to save the rest of the xbs. A new Hopeless Mission
Awww Riker and Troi's daughter is named Kestra
"I would never shoot you, because I'm a pacifist, but I could."
Man Soji does not trust anyone except kestra lol
Just Rakath
Kestra is perfect.
man, you should've called them first, picard
Thad sounds brilliant and this is so sad
Just Rakath
Riker: Lemme remind you why you called me Number 1 for so long.
DAMN their son sounds INSANELY brilliant and now I'm sad again
he really should've gone to them first
.....picard, you're itching for another lecture
Just Rakath
This episode is good because there is a lot of "Picard, we love you, but what the hell." going on.
man, I wish whoever uploaded this had put the cc on the romulan scenes
bc idk what they're saying, and it's probably important
Just Rakath
Whatshername is mostly saying standard villain fare.
Just Rakath
"Kill them all"s and "mock boynun for being a boynun" and "goad hero into fisticuffs to pull knives"
Just Rakath
Elnor started that fight with "Please friend, choose to live."
"I was a hopeful fool again. Thanks for that."
Just Rakath
(Thad's various made-up languages do not have subtitles, even on better quality piracy.)
captain crandall is going to end up being important I bet
picard left elnor the Fenris beeper
Mฯ…rder Mฯ…า“า“ฮนษด
I'm so pleased someone is talking about how awesome the Riker and Troi parts were and not just Hugh's death, which I was super sad about, but RIKER AND TROI.
Mฯ…rder Mฯ…า“า“ฮนษด
And they're his friends now, not his subordinates, and will call him on his shit.
Mฯ…rder Mฯ…า“า“ฮนษด
But still love him.
Mฯ…rder Mฯ…า“า“ฮนษด
and i love them
Mฯ…rder Mฯ…า“า“ฮนษด
Tho he did say way back at the beginning he wouldn't call Riker or LaForge etc bc they would def help him and it was too dangerous.
Mฯ…rder Mฯ…า“า“ฮนษด
Like, anyone he recruited for this, would choose to help him or not based on the mission and what was in it for them, but his Enterprise peeps would just help him no matter what. Like Hugh did.
Mฯ…rder Mฯ…า“า“ฮนษด
But I like how, as he gets more desperate, he IS turning to that.
Mฯ…rder Mฯ…า“า“ฮนษด
His intentions started out so noble but now he's like 'fuck i need them'.