So, I didn't get a chance to really reflect on my year, and I feel like rambling so feel free to mute. It'll also have mentions of automobile accidents and temporary mental damage so if that's a trigger, please keep it in mind
My year was pretty normal until the middle, when I got promoted about 2-3 years earlier than expected
I love my job, and I get more than fair pay, so I'm very grateful for that. It was a great surprise. The only downside is I have much less time
I work a lot of overtime, but thankfully no weekends or holidays so I'm not really complaining there. It just meant I had much less time for rp so I had to cut a lot of my roster
I still miss a lot of the people I play, but I don't foresee time opening up anytime soon.
Then, on Halloween, my dad got in a very bad automobile accident. He was thrown from the vehicle and ended up with multiple injuries that 'should' have killed him. He was in a coma for 9 days before he woke up.
The hospital most suited for his care was 2 hours away so I didn't come home again until nearly December. Even after he woke up, he had brain injuries that caused changes in personality. He was confused a lot, agitated, unable to remember recent events, etc. It was rough.
Thankfully, he pulled through. There are still some physical limitations, but he's slowly overcoming them. His mental capacity, though, is 100%. It's amazing and far, far exceeds what the doctors expected
His feeding tube came out in time for him to eat Christmas dinner with us. It was exciting
I missed a lot of work, too. Which meant a lot of things to make up. Throughout December and January, that was the mission at work
I'm finally caught up, though. In February, I hiatused and took a long weekend one week to finally rest up
I feel a lot better now. I want to get back in and reunite with everybody. It'll be slow, but I'll get there
The end. My year was more than the 6 months described, but the other 6 were thankfully pretty normal
What a twist!
that is a harrowing year. thank god your dad is recovering so well
What a twist! : Thanks. I'm very happy, too. But there were good parts of the year. It's just been exhausting. I might be rested up by 2021
Rest is an elusive beast.
also glad to hear your dad is recovering well. hanging in there really can pay off.
A roller coaster year for sure. I'm really glad that your dad is doing so well with his recovery and also that you're having good things happen at work despite the time you had to spend away and all the catch up there was to do after!
happy to hear you and your dad are both doing a lot better now
damn Free!dom