This will be the final event log posted for the game, after which Cetana will become an open sandbox for those who wish to continue playing in its setting. If you have any questions or comments, please let us know. Thank you again to all our players, past and present, for playing with us!
It'll be more like the first two fights! Y'all can go ham and beat him up to an inch of death (but maybe don't kill him so he can be alive to send people to other worlds) and there won't be any extra surprises
vassago can be a dragon taxi. malphas can fly but he can only carry one person, and that's gonna be 45. and 45 might ditch once the shadows clear from the exit lol
Ala can turn into a dragon and carry people too! y'all are free to handwave dragon taxi since... I don't think we gave you anything to stand on up there, whoops. maybe there's sun debris floating around, like very hot rock
Sandalphon is big enough that it can help get people up there, but they can't stay on its shoulders for the entire fight. Akira's almost definitely going to do that thing where he switches rapidly and tosses himself all over his own Personas.
Here is your Kotengu/Daitengu toplevel! For those who simply want to go home, the ofuda door is clear and they may choose to leave through that, otherwise this toplevel will be for talking to either the Kotengu or Daitengu or both
Hiroto will play translator for the Kotengu, and people can talk about staying here, the future of this world and what they would like to see, going to the Sea of Souls, the fate of the Kotengu, etc.
feel free to tag in separately instead of as one large thread if that's easier! Replies will come from Minato's account (compendiem) so I'm able to track the thread and not switch back and forth to the mod account o7
Terry's discussion was basically "I'll kill the Kotengu if he reincarnates and messes shit up for me" but he's very willing for others to throw in an idea because tbh pinpointing every day and magically murdering a Kotengu reincarnation is... yeah
asflkjh I just threw up another option on Toki's thread which is the Kotengu taking them to the Sea of Souls but after that, he is completely free to do whatever but promises to stay away from Hirajiro in particular
Everybody's discussion threads should be concluded now, so if players would like to oocly agree on an endgame decision, I can write up a final toplevel detailing the outcomes of things!
I know people have been busy and not everybody's been able to tag in, but I don't want to leave you guys hanging forever either, so I think doing it ooc like this would be best so everybody can chime in as they're able to o7
The Sea of Souls will be available regardless of the decision so we can have that option for those interested in playing it out, so the decision for the Kotengu is mostly
1) let him live and learn to work together, 2) kill him now and hope he reincarnates into a human who is able to learn, 3) let him free to the Sea of Souls with the promise he won't return to Hirajiro? or another option or a mix, depending on what people think
o7 people staying behind would be a good way for 1 to work out too, even if the Kotengu is still about everything and everybody, haha. And yeah! I want to make sure the game has closure, so I am here to make that happen
sets this down Happy golden end, friends, and thanks for sticking with us until the very end! Feel free to use this space to thread out any farewells, or even to simply summarize your characters' plans post-game. thank you for such a good time, friends
Akira's main priority is the bird tbh, he's not going too far away from it