[News] tw: isn't being considered sexual assault but absolutely should be imo. This apparently is a think that happened semi-recently in my county WTF WTF WTFFFFFFFF. Also itp I'm tearing into white dudes and generally being a giant misandrist ig
Police: Syringes Found On Suspect Test Positive For ...
Just... what the fucking fuck?!
Sorry but white men need to be cancelled. Come on, seriously, dude?
It's not bad enough y'all are hands down the most likely to be mass shooters but now you gotta be fucking inventive with your gross entitlement to women's bodies, too?
I literally can't. I also read this old thing yesterday and I just...
Your Friends and Rapists - SarahNicolePrickett - Med...
Ugh I can't. I just can't. The fact that I'm still only attracted to men when I hate men as much as I do has got to be proof beyond a reasonable doubt that sexuality isn't a choice bc holy SHIT I hate men
Okay fuck I'm going to bed. I hate everything ugh
Sometimes I'm shocked when I read the Am I The Asshole Reddit Twitter at what they really think is okay to do and say on there
and I'm like wowwwwwww
no mortal blade
Jesus Christ
what in the actual fuck
𝑔𝑜𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑒𝑓
god this is fucked up
waftingcurtains sometimes I read the comments my family/friends leave on my Facebook posts and I wonder the same fucking thing so I feel ya
And yeah. Yeaaaahhhh this is fucked up. Beyond the part where it's creepy and weird and was obviously painful to the woman if you watch the security footage, not to sound dramatic but is that not the actual definition of biological terrorism? What is this creepy fuck has a disease transmittable by bodily fluids? He's injected his into her body. Like...
Ugh, this is so disgusting. JFC
It really fucking is