ฯƒฯั”ัฮฑ gะฝฯƒั•ั‚
her poor boyfriend indeed
ฯƒฯั”ัฮฑ gะฝฯƒั•ั‚
I am about to head out and do laundry so I'll get to this when I get home
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/enchants one of their mirrors so she can watch and eat popcorn
ฯƒฯั”ัฮฑ gะฝฯƒั•ั‚
I would like Chloe and Erik to meet sometime but he wouldn't be stealing things, and if he did, he wouldn't get caught
ฯƒฯั”ัฮฑ gะฝฯƒั•ั‚
I'm planning a network post for him in the next few days
ฯƒฯั”ัฮฑ gะฝฯƒั•ั‚
maybe that, or maybe somewhere else
ฯƒฯั”ัฮฑ gะฝฯƒั•ั‚
and then when I got home I was a lump instead of doing literally anything productive so now I'll do it after I eat some dinner
ฯƒฯั”ัฮฑ gะฝฯƒั•ั‚
I really need to figure out how not to be a lump all weekend
ฯƒฯั”ัฮฑ gะฝฯƒั•ั‚
there we go
ฯƒฯั”ัฮฑ gะฝฯƒั•ั‚
now time to do some actual adulting
I'm Thelma
omg, this is a perfect hook for my former juvenile delinquent to be sullen. I love it.
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YAY!! i was hoping it would ping a character like that :-)
I'm Thelma
:-) current Robin, former petty thief, always attitude.
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it's going to be perfect. i never get to play interrogating chloe
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and he's probably gonna get the trixie treatment which might be worse, really
I'm Thelma
It's fine, she's going to get the cop treatment from him, which is not his friendliest self, unless that cop is named Jim Gordon
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idk if you'd want to incorporate any of this but here are her powers if you want to play with them at all thevulnerability | permissions for mask or menace
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tldr she's a lie detector and can also make people vulnerable either power-wise or emotionally
I'm Thelma
Oh, fantastic.
I'm Thelma
He's telling the truth about not stealing. He will lie like a rug if it touches on any Robin stuff, but I'll happily let you know when he's lying!
I'm Thelma
And yes, I would love him to be affected by her powers. I am all for it.
I'm Thelma
(his power is short-range teleportation)
I'm Thelma
(also, I'm really excited about getting a chance to play with you! I've missed Chloe. c: )
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and yay that sounds so dope. i don't get to play with her power much because it's kind of weird lol
I'm Thelma
This is gonna be so fun
ฯƒฯั”ัฮฑ gะฝฯƒั•ั‚
aw man I still haven't gotten to use Lucifer's powers anywhere (LOL)
HMMM I feel like Chloe wouldn't arrest George but I could see George helping her practice interrogation/truth detecting if you'd be down for that?
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And with Chloe wanting back into the police she'd jump at the chance to practice
yessss good this'll be rad
I'm Thelma
Saw your tag in my inbox as I left work and thought "weee!" Looking forward to getting home now!
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yay! i really wanted to hit up chloe tags because you all are making this SO much fun
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i honestly was not expecting the response it got and i'm so thrilled