Things I hate hearing at the drive-thru: "And I need a coke-..." "We only have pepsi." /angry voice/
bitch. Even the person who drinks coke in this house agrees that it's the same damn thing. stop giving me attitude.
it's like dr. pepper vs mr. pibb. technically they're different, but when you're drinking it, it's so similar, you don't care.
🍂 Copper
I can attest to being someone who will change their drink order if a place only serves Pepsi products. >>; I can't stand the taste of Pepsi except under specific conditions, so if I ask for Coke and they don't serve it, I will switch to something else. Though I agree that the attitude is unwarranted.
I'm sure there are people who do, but I get the feeling that enough people are like "Meh, alright, pepsi's fine" that "Is pepsi fine?" is alright. "We only have pepsi." is just dumb.
Maybe we just don't have enough people who drink coke around my family for it to be that big of a deal? XD
probably. I'm another person who'd refuse Pepsi. I just find it really sickeningly over-sweet. :-(
but seconding that the attitude is unwarranted
I understand someone saying they want cola when they say they want a Coke, but jeez....
Yeah, no need for the attitude there dude. I mean yeah, it's fine to inform the person that you serve Pepsi products but not like that.
See, my problem with pepsi and coke hasn't ever been them being too "sweet," there's something about them that's too acidic for me. But dr. pepper and barq's root beer are fine because they're less acidic.
lol the whole "cola/soda/pop/coke" debate cracks me up, tbh. XD When my Michiganer bestie first told me that they call it "pop," I was like "Whaaat?!?" XD
ehh, even if not for something in the flavor that I don't like, so far I haven't found a cola that hasn't left my teeth feeling... bad.... :-(
Oh yeah, I totally get that! That's the way pepsi and code do me, tbh. I've learned to tolerate it if I am just absolutely craving a soda and the only ones we have in the house are coke, but I'd usually rather just have a fizzy flavored water or something.
mm. idk, it'd be a tossup for me even then. I might have one. if it were Pepsi, I wouldn't care how much I was craving soda, I'd just get something else.
it's kinda weird; I actually sort of wish I liked it more, but I really don't...
yeah, that's the way I am about coke 9 times out of 10 to be honest. If they don't have dr. pepper or barq's if I'm craving a soda, but coke is right there? Nope. GUESS I'M HAVING TEA, THEN.
yeah. so I appreciate when a place specifies what sort of soda it is exactly, but... I mean, when it comes to root beer, Barq's is the one I actually dislike.
not as much as I dislike Pepsi, but if that's the only root beer they have, I guess I'm having whatever lemon-lime stuff they've got instead. (unless it's for a root beer float, in which case I don't care, lol.)
see, I like barq's because the others are just a little too much root-spicy. XD Unlelss they're being used in a root beer float or something, then it's all good.
and yeah, sprite is my default soda if they don't have dr. pepper or root beer, or if I want sweet soda-y stuff but don't want the worst soda imaginable.
heh. idk, I've developed a taste for very strongly-flavored gingerale, so maybe that's related?
though I suppose I understand the soda debate, then, 'cause I love sprite, but 7-up isn't that great for me.
That shit is good, but gingerbeer is even better. Instead of using ginger flavor, it uses real ginger!
heck yes
well, hey, here's to getting what others are getting at with their own preferences? :-)
It took me for-fucking-ever to realize that the real shit had to be found in the alcohol section of the grocery store, 'cause people use it in mixed drinks!
ooohhh, no kidding?
And yeah, that makes it make a bit more sense. XD
YEP! Everything in the soda aisle is gingerale, the gingerbeer is sold with the alcohol even though it's just a soda. At least where I am.
I think it's used to make moscow mules or something.
....that makes so much sense now
you know, thinking on it, I don't think I could tell Sprite from 7up in a blind taste-test.
unless it was something like that Berry Sprite they've got now
I could, but only because I realized there was a huge difference one day when I got 7-up because they didn't have sprite, took one drink, and I was like
It wasn't gross, but it wasn't as close of a taste to sprite as I expected, given the coke/pepsi, dr. pepper/mr. pibb thing.
berry sprite is so good1
you know, I think maybe I should try getting like. a bottle of each or something, just to try....
yeah, that could be a fun experiment!
And then another fun experiment is gettinng a can and a bottle of each and tasting the difference between the two containers, then. Or even glass bottle>plastic>can.
huh.... (thinking)
....found myself wondering when I'd last finished a can's worth of cola, and I'm drawing a blank. I know I've had store-brand Dr Pepper, but that's not exactly cola, imho... store brands emulate it separately, lol
yeah, they have their own recipes and flavors and things. I have the stuff infrequently, but enough that I know I've had it recently.