Speaking to the media on my decision to suspend travel plans to Washington DC tomorrow.
We have decided to suspend our travel to give our full attention to civil contingency planning around the Coronavirus outbreak and protecting public health.
"The coronavirus neither recognises nor respects borders, meaning an all-Ireland approach to combating the illness is required, according to Galway West Sinn Féin TD, Mairead Farrell."
I believe our young people care deeply about their families, communities and country. I know they will lead from the front in these times public health emergency covid19COVIDー19Coronavirusireland
@ MaryLouMcDonald they may do but, pub goers not the only problem. We have large gatherings of teenagers in shopping centres nationwide. Surely this defeats everything the HSE and frontline workers are trying to do.
I can't believe the insurance companies are still at it, trying to wriggle out of paying businesses who have been forced to close because of the Covid crisis. Have they no shame? I've been in touch with the Central Bank demanding action because this nonsense has to stop now.
英國 nCoV19 COVID19 新冠狀病毒 武漢病毒 義大利 宗教活動 日本 德國 伊朗 美股道瓊指數
..........等下 注意到不對勁
自由那篇27號22時 死亡26人
陰森那篇27號23時 死亡14人
這是平行世界還是盅共不外傳的復活術?? XDDD 附帶一提,我是參考這家的:
Coronavirus: 20th case of Covid-19 in UK confirmed – latest updates
via [轉噗]【へやにょろーん△】澳洲在檢討對義大利的旅遊建議,但還沒考慮禁止義大利旅客入境
喔淦在我家附近UK coronavirus plans would strip police and fire services to essentials
We have decided to suspend our travel to give our full attention to civil contingency planning around the Coronavirus outbreak and protecting public health.
Coronavirus live updates: Ireland closes all schools and colleges amid outbreak
UK coronavirus live: all schools in UK to close from Friday
保險公司要不要臉 趁火打劫
Coronavirus live news: Boris Johnson admitted to hospital for tests