Pumpqueen Fall
[state of CC] migraine from hell ayyyy got a new roomie so they're actually moving me downstairs for private room and so we don't get each other sick
Pumpqueen Fall
Lol my mom just spent forever fixing up the window and drawers here too Al nice and neat oops :T
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
Dunno if I should call Dad???
Pumpqueen Fall
Called :3 talked civ 5 & 6 with him
Pumpqueen Fall
Also grumpy about being here a minimum of 2 more days D:
Pumpqueen Fall
Called Garp!Dad again now that I'm all moved. He's very silly, but he promised not to come if it'll hurt him, because this is why we have phones. And he's distressed about gov. Evil but this was like
Pumpqueen Fall
Garp realizing how fucked the WG is to smoker or smoker to fujitora anyway
Pumpqueen Fall
And I'm all moved to nice private room with giant wundows
Pumpqueen Fall
And it's lovely grey out and everyone is like "ew rainy and yucky" and I'm like "my favorite kind of day"
Mae Fires the T-Gewehr
Cheer up. Here, have a video about a smol grill having fun with a hueg rifle.
Hi you