[broken body bullshit] Slept like garbage since I kept waking up due to my leg doing The Thing and giving me super stabby pain if I had in hte same position for too long SIGH
(if I could sleep on my back it might not be as bad but alas I literally Cannot fall asleep on my back)
thus I just kept having to turn over to the other side. it's probably at least half weather but SIGH
sparky ⚡
does the pillow between the knee thing work for you at all?
sparky ⚡
sometimes that's another frustrating thing bc it is far from consistent and I think sometimes makes it worse (it might depend on what exactly is tensing up/pniched at the time idk since we don't actually know for sure if it's my sciatic nerve being a brat or not)
annnd sometimes it's just that I need to wait unti my knee will pop bc it just did finally and I feel 75% body jfc body
I'm also now wodnering if it was a harbringer of shark week since THAT just started
(before the leg stuff was quite so bad like in highs chool, I used to get spasms in taht thigh the day or two before SO)