[meme] https://images.plurk.com/3tcwmc0sLv1pvvYYZrlUhY.png 18. I would crush most people at Never Have I Ever, but I've also never played that game.
It makes me want to give people the opportunity to guess which two things I have done.
Azure ☪ Moon
Something like 1, 2, 7, 8?
One of those is correct, but the second is not on that list.
Though I had to think for a bit to make sure I didn't ride a horse when I was too young to remember.
Azure ☪ Moon
Also I'm 15, so we're both relatively pure in regards to this list rofl
Sparkle sparkle.
Fiend Matador
...huh. I didn't think anyone was going to beat my 17
I juuuuuust slid in to first.
Azure ☪ Moon : I'm guessing from your guess to mine that yours are 1, 2, 7, 8, and 20?
Azure ☪ Moon
2, 7, 8, 12, 14
Azure ☪ Moon
Can't drink with my meds
15 for meee
Ahhhh, yes, that'd do it.
Superb Bi Rep
See, some of these are easily accessible anywhere while some are much more situational and yet they're still all a single point.
Superb Bi Rep
the act of singing karaoke is equivalent to getting a tattoo
I’m actually not 100% sure which you mean is which, because I can only think of a single time I’ve seen a karaoke machine but doing it wouldn’t take much thought, while I’ve seen tattoo parlours everywhere but I’d have to put a lot of thought into a tattoo.
Superb Bi Rep
The two points melded into one at some point. Since, yes, there is also the issue of permanence.
Anyway, the things I did do was skip school (in university, mostly from being up so late the night before on homework that I either deliberately or accidentally slept through a class) and be on TV
(I was a child and was a bit miffed that they only used things my sibling said, so I was just standing in the background, but I contributed because I could say that I saw the news van and what channel when our parents discovered that we'd stopped on our rare walking-back-from-school rather than getting picked up to talk to some otherwise unknown adults).